Alright, Joe’s been running a Goblin deck since we started the league, and it seemed good so I didn’t feel the need to build a version. Then I was looking at some Empty the Warrens decks and saw Goblin War Strike
The deck:
Lands! (20) 20 Mountain Goblins! (32) 4 Goblin Arsonist 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 4 Goblin Lookout 4 Mudbutton Clanger 4 Mogg Flunkies 4 Mogg Raider 4 Mogg War Marshal 4 Stingscourger Damage! (8) 4 Goblin Grenade 4 Goblin War Strike |
First of all, probably the biggest difference between paper and online pauper is we get Goblin Grenade. Five damage for one mana is great in any format and really extends the midgame reach of this deck.
Pre-League thoughts: I’m running Mudbutton Clanger over Goblin Cohorts. I figure since I’m running Grenade and War Strike, that I’d miss out on the attack requirement of the Flunkies more often than I’ll lose the bonus on the Clanger. Lets see if I regret that call.
Also, Four Stingscourgers might be too many. I’m starting with four though because there are a ton of Cloudpost/Ulamog’s Crusher decks in the format and bouncing the crusher to swing for lethal seems like something I might need to do pretty often today.
I thought of making a Goblin Matron toolbox deck, but the goblin abilities are pretty linear and just want a bunch of goblins down. If I want to do toolbox aggro I should stick to Slivers.
Only played one match this week, against Rich’s Izzetpost deck, and I did quite well, stuck double Lookouts and swung for 25 on one turn game one, and finally got there game two after a long attrition battle by having three goblins in play into War Strike, War Strike, Grenade.
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